Help Pen Guy Art make recycled art
Clean out your pen drawer & help Pen Guy Art make recycled art
Pen Guy Art is collecting used pens and creating incredible life transforming recycle art. Over 500k pens donated so far. Donate your Ball Point, Dry Erase, Crayola, Felt Tip, Markers, Mechanical Pencils or any other type of pen and experience the transformation into beautiful recycled pen art.

Go around your house or business and locate all the pens that are stashed or hiding inside drawers, boxes and/or couches.
If you are wondering what types of used pens you can donate, the answer is easy…everything. And by everything I really mean EVERYTHING:
Ball Point • Felt Tip • Dry-Erase • Sharpies • Crayolas • Markers • Gel Pens • Every thing else
Gather all the ones that are ready to be shipped and place them in an envelope or box depending on the amount of dead pens you have. There is no minimum amount of pens you can sent.
Pen Guy says “I love getting notes so feel free write something on post-it and include it with your shipment:)”
The Pen Guy – P.O.Box 994 – Forestville, CA 95436
If you are sending via UPS or FEDEX please address it to:
The Pen Guy – 6484 Mirabel Road, #994 Forestville, CA